Welcome to our website. If you are looking for High Quality, Healthy, Registered Purebred Boer Meat goats you have come to the right place.
Our base herd consists of 30 mature breeding does and three unrelated bucks. We are proud to say that most of the does in our herd have been bred up from our own foundation stock. Our focus is on quality not quantity.
Staveley farms is located in St. Anicet Quebec, Canada approximately one hour from Montreal, Quebec and Cornwall, Ontario.
We truly believe in raising strong hard working, high quality meat goats and are always striving to produce a better goat that will go above and beyond today's industry standards. Our herd is built on the foundation of strong genetics throughout the Boer goat industry in Canada and USA. We are serious about our goats, not only their genetics, conformation, and productivity, but their health. If they're not healthy nothing else matter in the long run. We are and will continue to invest in our own herd with the goal of producing excellent animals for ourselves and to sell to other breeders.

Proud Members of The Canadian Meat Goat Association
We take part in both programs offered to improve the Quality of the Boer goat breed in Canada.
Enrolled in the voluntary Scrapie Program since 2010. Export Certification Level.
Tested negative for CAE annually since 2008. (All animals over six months old) Certification Level.
Johnes Disease Herd tested negative annually since 2017.
We don't blood test our animals for CL because we vaccinate for it. (The vaccine would cause them to show a false positive result in blood.) So cannot say ethically that we are "negative" for it but there are no signs of CL in our herd. We do test all abscesses and should we have a positive case in the future it will be culled.
We don't buy in a lot of stock and try and keep our herd as closed as possible to keep our health status.
For more information on our herd maintenance you can have a look here: Herd Health Program
The first time we Classified our herd was in 2012 confirming to us that we are on the right road with our mainly home-bred breeding program. Since then we have evaluated our herd every time they have offered the program.
We have always chosen to evaluate all the animals that are old enough in our herd (Does kidded at least once and bucks over a year old.) Taking full advantage of the judges when they are here. The Type Evaluation score card is to help improve the breed and selection process for genetics to compare the goats strengths and weaknesses. (Which buck to breed to which doe to get the best improved results.)
Our herd is a working herd that is pastured in the summer and fed a limited amount of grain. (As needed). Our goats are nursing, breeding and growing. They are bred year round many kidding every 8-9 months. Depending on how hard they are working some will have less conditioning at the time of evaluation and get a lower score. The way the Type evaluation points in each section are added together good conformation is the base of the program but a very big part of the final score is animal condition and mature size. It is quite common for a goat to go from G+ VG or even Excellent when they are re-evaluated. A goat that is structurally sound will improve in the Size & Development, Muscling & Finishing, and the Volume & Capacity areas as they age or depending on the timing, when they are better conditioned and have less demand on them from doing their jobs.
Does have to kid within the evaluation year. Bucks have to be at least a year old. For does or bucks to classify Excellent (90+ there is no numeric score above VG89) they have to be at least 3 years old and have offspring. Evaluation scores cannot go down they either go up or stay the same.
September 2024 Type Evaluation Results
2 - Double Excellent
6 - Excellent
2 - VG89
2 - VG88
2 - VG87
5 - VG86
4 - VG85
September 27 2024 Currently standing in our barn : 9-Excellent, 5-VG89, 2-VG88, 4-VG87, 6-VG86, 4-VG85
Staveley Jalopeno Pepper Honor Guard Classified Excellent 2024

It is important to us that you know that we will be here for you if have any questions about the animals you have purchased from us or need information on their care in the future and that the door doesn't close after you leave our farm. Just drop us a line or send us an e-mail.
Thank you for stopping by.
We hope you enjoy your visit.
Please check back often we update our site regularly.
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us we are always happy to hear from other people who share our passion for goats.
Shannon Thurston & Kevin Staveley
1486 Leahy Road
St. Anicet, Quebec, Canada
J0S 1M0
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Photos on our website are not to be used or reproduced without our permission.